​​​​What is non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU)?

Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) is an inflammation of the urethra which is not caused by gonorrheal infection. There are many causes of NGU. This is in part due to the large variety of organisms living in the urinary tract.​

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What are the signs & symptoms of NGU?
  • Symptoms usually occur about 1 – 3 weeks after infection
  • Presenting symptoms are urethral discharge and dysuria (burning and irritation during urination). There may be a white or yellow discharge
  • The signs and symptoms are very similar to Gonococcal Urethritis and thus accurate laboratory tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis and exclude Gonorrhoea​
  • In some men, there may be very mild symptoms or none at all and diagnosis is made only after laboratory testing
How is NGU diagnosed?
  • Smear and culture tests on secretions from the urethra help to confirm the diagnosis
  • ​Blood tests have no value in this condition
How is NGU treated?
  • Oral antibiotics (tetracyclines, erythromycin, oflaxcin, azithromycin) are the treatments of choice
  • ​Injections are not useful in the treatment of NGU
Important notes
  • Seek medical treatment, do not self medicate
  • Inform the doctor of any drug allergy
  • Refrain from sex until cured
  • Complete the course of treatment prescribed
  • Refer your sex partner(s) for check-up so that he/she can be treated early if found to be infected​
  • Always practice safer sex with casual partners and prostitutes (sex workers).


We have attempted to provide full, accurate and up to date information in this patient information leaflet, based on current medical evidence and opinion. However, information and advice may vary from different sources, and over time. If you have any further questions, see your doctor or healthcare provider.​

Find out more through this Patient Information Leaflet.​​

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