Sexual health is important to everyone, did you know that most STIs present with no symptoms? Don't be afraid to seek help! At DSC Clinic, our team of expert clinicians understands your needs and will help customise the appropriate tests that suits you.
Confidential and non-judgmental
We also provide information on vaccinations, safer sex practices and MSM issues.
Affordable & Comprehensive Screening
We provide swabs/urine/blood tests for HIV and STIs.
You are advised to hold your urine for at least 4 hours before testing. This is to ensure the accuracy of your test results.
Where To Find Us:31 Kelantan Lane Singapore 200031Call To Make Appointment:6293 9648 (Monday to Friday 8am - 12pm, 1pm-5pm)
To make an appointment:
Online Appointment Form
Email for appointment: [email protected]
We encourage patients to book an appointment at least 3 working days in advance.