While there is no cure or prevention for seborrhoeic dermatitis, treatment can control this condition and improve symptoms. Medications are generally anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory or keratolytic (remove scales).
Scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis is treated by shampooing two to three times a week with an anti-dandruff shampoo, such as selenium sulphide, coal tar, cetrimide, zinc pyrithione or ketoconazole. Olive oil or cocois ointment may be applied one to two hours before shampooing or left overnight to remove thick scales.
For seborrhoeic dermatitis of the body or face, cleanse twice daily with a gentle soap; a mild steroid or antifungal cream can be used for skin rashes. Steroid creams should be used sparingly as they may cause thinning of the skin. For very severe, persistent seborrhoeic dermatitis, your doctor may prescribe a course of antifungal tablets.