​​​As a sexual health clinic, the DSC Clinic has various clinical and STI tests available. Learn more about the tests we have here:​

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DSC Clinical Laboratory

The DSC Clinic has an in-house lab to save cost and turnaround time. ​Here are some of the STI tests that our lab can do:

​Turnaround Time​
​Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea PCR
​1 week
​Gonorrhoea Culture​
​​2 weeks
​Hepatitis A IgG Antibody
​​2 weeks
​​Hepatitis B Antigen
​​1 week
​​Hepatitis B Antibody
​1 week
​​Hepatitis C Antibody
​​2 weeks
​Herpes Simplex Type 1 IgG Antibody
​​2 weeks
​​Herpes Simplex Type 2 IgG Antibody
​​2 weeks
​​Herpes Simplex Virus PCR
​​2 weeks
​​HIV Rapid Tests
​30 mins
​​HIV Screening Test (ELISA)
​1 week
​​ThinPrep Pap Smear
​3 weeks
​​​Syphilis (RPR)
​​1 hour
​​Syphilis (TPHA)
​​1-3 days
​Syphilis Total Ab EIA​1 week​
​​Culture - Pyogenic Organisms
​​2 weeks
​​Microscopic Examinations (Urethral Smear, Scraping, Full Smear, and Urine FEME)
​30-60 mins

The DSC Clinic provides an SMS service to inform patients of their laboratory test results. This service is only applicable for patients with local Singapore number. Click here for more information.​