Below are charges for services at DSC Clinic. Actual costs may differ, depending on the severity and frequency of treatment. Prices quoted below are inclusive of GST and subject to change. All charges are in Singapore dollars and exclude medication charges.
For prices of products sold in DSC pharmacy, please refer to Pharmacy Services instead.
As of 27/7/2024 prices below may vary,
do check with the counter staff at the payment counter.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused.
Doctor Consultation
Doctor Consultation Surcharge for Evening Clinic (wef 1 June 2023)
| $23.00
Nurse Consultation
| $22.01
STI Tests |
Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea PCR (per site)
| $57.93
Gonorrhoea Culture (per site)
| $33.48 |
Syphilis Total Ab EIA
| $15.26
Syphilis RPR
| $6.77
Syphilis TPHA
| $21.50
Full Smear (females only)
| $15.70
Mycoplasma Genitalium PCR (per site) | $43.20
Gram Stain Smear (per site) | $10.04
Hep B Surface Ag (HBsAg) | $17.75
Hep B Surface Ab (anti-HBs)
| $17.75
Herpes Simplex Virus IgG Ab I & II
| $48.16
Herpes Simplex Virus PCR | $61.98
Herpes Simplex Virus Isolation | $92.20
HIV Screening Test (ELISA) | $15.53
HIV Rapid Test (3rd Gen) | $10.98
HIV Rapid Test (4th Gen)
| $21.49
HPV Type 16/18 Genotyping (females only)
| $53.67
Cervical HPV Screening (females only) | $53.70
Thinprep Pap Smear (females only) | $44.95
STI Treatment (estimate) | $7.80 - $38.00
Vaccination Charges |
Hep A Vaccination
| $31.19
Hep B Vaccination
| $61.23 (full course)
HPV Vaccination (Gardasil 9) - Residents (DSC only accepts 16 years & above)
HPV Vaccination (Gardasil 9) - Tourist
| $235.91 ( per dose)
$270 (per dose)
Average Bill Size |
| $80.00 - $220.00 |
| $100.00 - $250.00
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Please confirm with the counter staff during your admission/visit.