Contact Tracing at DSC

Contact tracing is the process of identifying relevant contacts of a person with an infectious disease and ensuring that they are aware of their exposure. For sexually transmitted infections (STIs), relevant contacts include those with whom the patient (index case) has had sex during infectious period.

 Patient Referral is one of the two approaches used. This method requires the patient to personally inform their partner(s) to come for a check-up while the other approach, known as Contact Tracing will have our health advisors assist to contact your partner(s).

Contact Tracing is important in preventing and controlling sexually transmitted infections in the community as well as protecting your loved ones or those whom you have parted ways with safe from infections.

Please be assured that all information provided during your visit will be kept with strictest confidence. No information on your diagnosis or sexual history will be disclosed to your partner(s) without your consent.

 Starting July 2018, DSC will offer professional sexual health counselling by a Psychotherapist. 

Patients who would like to receive counselling support in dealing with their relationship and sexual concerns, are encouraged to approach our staff for information or to book  an appointment. Some likely topics include

  • Relationship issues with your partner,
  • Coping with life stressors and transitions,
  • Coping after a STI diagnosis,
  • Discuss  risk-taking behaviours such as drug use and unprotected sex,
  • Exploring gender specific sexual issues,
  • LGBTQ specific issues, etc

Each psychotherapy session lasts 45 minutes and is charged at $30, Patients in financial difficulty can apply for financial assistance if needed. 

A few sessions with our psychotherapist will help you gain clarity, and work through those issues that are troubling you.  All sessions are fully non-judgemental and supportive.

Please check with our staff on the service during your consultation or your visits at DSC Clinic.​

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