The most common symptoms of scabies are small itchy lumps in the skin, often in the webs between fingers, along the sides of the fingers, or on the wrists or elbows. Other parts of the skin can also be affected, including genital skin.
Burrow can often be seen in the skin leading to the lump.
The itch is caused by an allergic reaction to the mites, and may start where the mites are but can spread to cause generalized itchiness.
Uncommonly scabies can cause slightly pigmented (colored) itchy nodules (deeper lumps in the skin).
Babies can catch scabies and sometimes have widespread eczema like skin symptoms, blisters and crusty scabs.
Crusted scabies is a condition where infected skin becomes thickened, crusted and scaly with many scabies mites present. When this occurs scabies is much easier to pass to other people, even after brief contact with infected skin. Crusted scabies is more common in people with immuno suppression such as HIV/AIDS, or on immunosuppressive treatments.