
3rd Annual Meeting Of Asian Society Of Dermatopathology

institution NSC
target audience Public
registration   9/7/2021
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​​​​ASD Sponsors

Welcome Message​

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we warmly welcome you to the Asian Society of Dermatopathology Annual Meeting that will be completely virtual. We are privileged to be hosting this from Singapore on the 8th and 9th October 2021. This year marks the 3rd Annual Meeting of the ASD and the decision to hold this amidst the ongoing pandemic is the immense sense to celebrate what we have achieved as a young professional society for dermatopathology and to restore educational opportunities and sharing of expertise to a degree of normalcy. Indeed, in the virtual sphere, this brings greater opportunities in doing more in content and speakers. We are indeed privileged to have a slate of world renowned speakers and experts in the field, joining our faculty from all throughout Asia itself.

We have an exciting programme at this meeting which will comprise of themes of dermatopathology in tropical and global infections, in which we​​ will cover what is currently very topical ie the COVID-19 infection, inpatient dermatology, melanocytic neoplasms and cutaneous lymphoid neoplasms. We are fortunate to have Maria-Teresa Fernández-Figueras, Omar Sangueza, Victor Prieto and Werner Kempf as our keynote speakers. The sessions will each feature speakers from Asia who will bring the perspectives of their dermatopathology practice and the rich local experiences in this part of the world. The case presentations will likewise be representative of the myriad of cases from across Asia.

To put a meeting of this scale together is no small task and to this end, we would like to thank the local organizing committee in National Skin Centre Singapore in planning the meticulous operations and Dr Wu Yu-Hung, President of the ASD, for his wisdom and guidance in support of this Annual Meeting.

We would like to invite you to join us at this meeting and we hope that you will have a productive and stimulating time at this special meeting.

TAN Suat Hoon
Organising Chair

Joyce LEE
Scientific Programme Chair




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The following have confirmed participation as of 10 May 2021

WANG Yang, China

ZHANG Wei, China

HSU Chao Kai, Chinese Taipei

WU Yu-Hung, Chinese Taipei​

M RAMAM, India

Sujay KHANDPUR, India

Sondang Aemilia PANDJAITAN SIRAIT, Indonesia

Daisuke TSURUTA, Japan

Shigeto YANAGIHARA, Japan

LEE Dong Youn, Korea

PARK Ji-Hye, Korea

YUN Sook-Jung, Korea

LEE Bang Rom, Malaysia

Arnelfa C. PALIZA, Philippines

Jasmin JAMORA, Philippines

CHIA Hui Yi, Singapore​

Joyce LEE, Singapore

Michelle LIANG, Singapore

TAN Kong Bing, Singapore

TAN Suat Hoon, Singapore

TEE Shang-Ian, Singapore


Werner KEMPF, Switzerland

Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Thailand

Panita SITHINAMSUWAN, Thailand






​​​Call for Abstracts - Deadline extended till 16 August 2021​

The 3rd Annual Meeting of Asian Society of Dermatopathology (ASD) invites submissions for: 

  • Free Communications 
  • E-posters Submissions 

that are related to dermatopathology including case reports, case series or studies highlighting dermatopathological features, descriptions or investigations are welcome. Case presentations highlighting extraordinary or unusual dermatopathological features are suitable for free communications or E-posters. ​​

ASD Presentation Award

​​​ASD is giving awards to outstanding online presentations in the ASD annual meeting for trainees or young doctors. Visit the ASD official site for more information on the application process for the award



  1. USD$200 each are awarded to qualified applicants for oral presentation (Maximum 3). 
  2. USD$100 each are awarded to qualified applicants for e-poster (Maximum 4).​

Closing date for application: 31 August 2021.


  1. Recipient must be an ASD member or associate member.
  2. Recipient must submit an oral or e-poster presentation which has been accepted at the 2021 ASD annual meeting.
  3. All applicants must be duly qualified physicians practicing/training in dermatology or pathology.
  4. Candidates must show positive impact of his/her participation on the field of Dermatopathology in the recipient's country.
  5. ​Age: 40 years old and below.​

Priority is given to participants not within the host country, with special priority given to those from developing countries.

Abstract Submission Guidelines for Poster and Free Communications

  • Indicate intent of abstract to be present either as “Free Communications” or “E-poster”
  • The abstract must be written in English in not more than 250 words. This word limit refers to the body of the abstract and does not include the authors’ names, affiliations, and title of abstract.
  • Name of the authors in upper and lower cases, surname in capital and underline Family Name of presenter. Department/Hospital/Institution/Country of first author only.
  • Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.
  • Do not include graphs, tables and references in the abstract.
  • Use single-line vertical spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.
  • Please register and submit your abstract online.​

Important information:​

  • Only authors who have paid the registration fee are entitled to submit an abstract for Poster or Free Communications.
  • Abstracts are subject to the approval of the Scientific Sub-committee.
  • Contents of the abstract must not have been presented, submitted or accepted for presentation at another meeting or previously published in any journal.
  • Potential conflicts of interest must be indicated at the point of abstract submission.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign an accepted “E-poster” abstract to be presented under the “Free Communications” category and vice versa.
  • By submitting an abstract in the “Free Communications” category, you agree to make yourself available for the presentation slot to which your abstract is assigned, and the Q&A session that follows.
  • Submission deadline for abstracts is 16 August 2021.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent via email by 23 August 2021.

Instructions for Free Communications and E-posters

a) Free Communication
  • The scientific content for this category would be delivered by way of a pre-recorded oral presentation, which will be aired in accordance to the Conference programme on 8 October 2021, 1.30pm (SST; UTC+08:00).
  • The allocated time per presentation would be 10min per session. Kindly keep to time, as presentations will be interrupted once the time allocated has elapsed.
  • The following are recommended guidelines on preparation for the presentation​
  1. Presentation is in “widescreen” format, that is, a 16:9, or 16x10 (MAC format). 
  2. If a scientific work has been published at the time of presentation, this must be disclosed to meeting delegates at the time of oral presentation.
  3. Recordings of presentations can be made using various methods such as zoom or powerpoint. Guidelines on recording your presentation can be viewed here:
    1. ​​For powerpoint: https://www.myesr.org/guidelines-recording-your-presentation-using-microsoft-powerpoint ​
    2. For Zoom: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360059781332-Getting-started-with-recording
  4. Recordings should be saved in MP4 format and titled:  Name_freecomms_PresentationID.mp4
  5. All recordings are to be submitted to the secretariat via WeTransfer.
  6. Deadline for submission of Free Communication recording is 8 Sept 2021.​
b) ​E-poster​
  • The scientific content for this category would be made available for viewing on-demand through the meeting’s website.
  • As this is an E-poster presentation in a virtual meeting, no physical printed posters are required. 
  • E-posters will be viewed via the screens of desktops, laptops and personal mobile devices. As such, all information for the E-poster must appear within ONE SLIDE, in LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION, using a “widescreen” format, that is, a 16:9, or 16x10 (MAC format).
  • E-posters submitted using either PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator will be accepted. Do not use Keynote.
  • The following are recommended guidelines on preparation of the E-poster​
  1. Estimated word count: 700 including diagrams 
  2. Essential Information to include: Title, names and affiliations of all authors, introduction and learning objective(s), results and conclusions.
  3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest for all authors is mandatory; if there are one to be declared, this must be included on the poster.
  4. If a scientific work has been published at the time of presentation, this must be disclosed in writing in the E-poster.
  5. Contact details (optional), so that interested delegates may contact you
  6. Data must be given in units that are generally accepted in scientific publications.
  7. Photographs should at all times protect the privacy and identity of the subject. Eyes should be blacked out.
  8. E-poster file should be titled: Name_Poster_PresentationID.ppt (or .pdf).
  9. All E-posters are to be submitted to the Secretariat via We Transfer.
  10. Deadline for submission of E-Poster submission is 8 Sept 2021.​

Organising Committee

The following have confirmed participation as of 10 May 2021

WANG Yang, China

ZHANG Wei, China

HSU Chao Kai, Chinese Taipei

WU Yu-Hung, Chinese Taipei​

M RAMAM, India

Sujay KHANDPUR, India

Sondang Aemilia PANDJAITAN SIRAIT, Indonesia

Daisuke TSURUTA, Japan

Shigeto YANAGIHARA, Japan

LEE Dong Youn, Korea

PARK Ji-Hye, Korea

YUN Sook-Jung, Korea

LEE Bang Rom, Malaysia

Arnelfa C. PALIZA, Philippines

Jasmin JAMORA, Philippines

CHIA Hui Yi, Singapore​

Joyce LEE, Singapore

Michelle LIANG, Singapore

TAN Kong Bing, Singapore

TAN Suat Hoon, Singapore

TEE Shang-Ian, Singapore


Werner KEMPF, Switzerland

Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Thailand

Panita SITHINAMSUWAN, Thailand






​​​Call for Abstracts - Deadline extended till 16 August 2021​

The 3rd Annual Meeting of Asian Society of Dermatopathology (ASD) invites submissions for: 

  • Free Communications 
  • E-posters Submissions 

that are related to dermatopathology including case reports, case series or studies highlighting dermatopathological features, descriptions or investigations are welcome. Case presentations highlighting extraordinary or unusual dermatopathological features are suitable for free communications or E-posters. ​​

ASD Presentation Award

​​​ASD is giving awards to outstanding online presentations in the ASD annual meeting for trainees or young doctors. Visit the ASD official site for more information on the application process for the award



  1. USD$200 each are awarded to qualified applicants for oral presentation (Maximum 3). 
  2. USD$100 each are awarded to qualified applicants for e-poster (Maximum 4).​

Closing date for application: 31 August 2021.


  1. Recipient must be an ASD member or associate member.
  2. Recipient must submit an oral or e-poster presentation which has been accepted at the 2021 ASD annual meeting.
  3. All applicants must be duly qualified physicians practicing/training in dermatology or pathology.
  4. Candidates must show positive impact of his/her participation on the field of Dermatopathology in the recipient's country.
  5. ​Age: 40 years old and below.​

Priority is given to participants not within the host country, with special priority given to those from developing countries.

Abstract Submission Guidelines for Poster and Free Communications

  • Indicate intent of abstract to be present either as “Free Communications” or “E-poster”
  • The abstract must be written in English in not more than 250 words. This word limit refers to the body of the abstract and does not include the authors’ names, affiliations, and title of abstract.
  • Name of the authors in upper and lower cases, surname in capital and underline Family Name of presenter. Department/Hospital/Institution/Country of first author only.
  • Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.
  • Do not include graphs, tables and references in the abstract.
  • Use single-line vertical spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.
  • Please register and submit your abstract online.​

Important information:​

  • Only authors who have paid the registration fee are entitled to submit an abstract for Poster or Free Communications.
  • Abstracts are subject to the approval of the Scientific Sub-committee.
  • Contents of the abstract must not have been presented, submitted or accepted for presentation at another meeting or previously published in any journal.
  • Potential conflicts of interest must be indicated at the point of abstract submission.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign an accepted “E-poster” abstract to be presented under the “Free Communications” category and vice versa.
  • By submitting an abstract in the “Free Communications” category, you agree to make yourself available for the presentation slot to which your abstract is assigned, and the Q&A session that follows.
  • Submission deadline for abstracts is 16 August 2021.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent via email by 23 August 2021.

Instructions for Free Communications and E-posters

a) Free Communication
  • The scientific content for this category would be delivered by way of a pre-recorded oral presentation, which will be aired in accordance to the Conference programme on 8 October 2021, 1.30pm (SST; UTC+08:00).
  • The allocated time per presentation would be 10min per session. Kindly keep to time, as presentations will be interrupted once the time allocated has elapsed.
  • The following are recommended guidelines on preparation for the presentation​
  1. Presentation is in “widescreen” format, that is, a 16:9, or 16x10 (MAC format). 
  2. If a scientific work has been published at the time of presentation, this must be disclosed to meeting delegates at the time of oral presentation.
  3. Recordings of presentations can be made using various methods such as zoom or powerpoint. Guidelines on recording your presentation can be viewed here:
    1. ​​For powerpoint: https://www.myesr.org/guidelines-recording-your-presentation-using-microsoft-powerpoint ​
    2. For Zoom: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360059781332-Getting-started-with-recording
  4. Recordings should be saved in MP4 format and titled:  Name_freecomms_PresentationID.mp4
  5. All recordings are to be submitted to the secretariat via WeTransfer.
  6. Deadline for submission of Free Communication recording is 8 Sept 2021.​
b) ​E-poster​
  • The scientific content for this category would be made available for viewing on-demand through the meeting’s website.
  • As this is an E-poster presentation in a virtual meeting, no physical printed posters are required. 
  • E-posters will be viewed via the screens of desktops, laptops and personal mobile devices. As such, all information for the E-poster must appear within ONE SLIDE, in LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION, using a “widescreen” format, that is, a 16:9, or 16x10 (MAC format).
  • E-posters submitted using either PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator will be accepted. Do not use Keynote.
  • The following are recommended guidelines on preparation of the E-poster​
  1. Estimated word count: 700 including diagrams 
  2. Essential Information to include: Title, names and affiliations of all authors, introduction and learning objective(s), results and conclusions.
  3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest for all authors is mandatory; if there are one to be declared, this must be included on the poster.
  4. If a scientific work has been published at the time of presentation, this must be disclosed in writing in the E-poster.
  5. Contact details (optional), so that interested delegates may contact you
  6. Data must be given in units that are generally accepted in scientific publications.
  7. Photographs should at all times protect the privacy and identity of the subject. Eyes should be blacked out.
  8. E-poster file should be titled: Name_Poster_PresentationID.ppt (or .pdf).
  9. All E-posters are to be submitted to the Secretariat via We Transfer.
  10. Deadline for submission of E-Poster submission is 8 Sept 2021.​