
The Laboratory Department has staff consisting of 13 Medical Technologists and a Research Assistant to enhance the standard of patient care.

Our laboratories provide a wide range of laboratory services to our patients and private medical practitioners :

Laboratory Services


Skin scrapings, cultures and identification of dermatophytes, moulds and yeasts.


Microscopic examination of routinely processed skin specimens for histological diagnosis


Direct and indirect immunofluorescence techniques for the diagnosis of immunobullous diseases, connective tissue diseases and vasculitis.

Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

Assays deflection of antibodies against desmoglein 1, desmoglein 3 and BP 180 for the diagnosis of immunobullous diseases.


Examination of fixed or frozen skin specimens for immunophenotyping of lymphoproliferative disorders, and characterisation of tumour differentiation.

Molecular Diagnostics

PCR detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis, detection of clonal T- cell receptor gene rearrangements and heavy chain gene rearrangement in Iympho proliferative disorders.

Clinical Laboratory Services

Services in haematology, clinical chemistry, urine analysis and skin scraping for fungus and parasites.

Immunology Laboratory Services

RPR & TPHA testing for syphilis, testing for auto-antibodies for lupus erythematosus and collagen diseases, circulating auto-antibodies for bullous diseases & collagen diseases.

Mycology Laboratory Services

Culture studies for dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophyte infections.

Dermato-Pathology Laboratory Services

Histopathology services for skin biopsy.

DSC Laboratory

National Skin Centre provides a satellite clinical laboratory service at the DSC department in Kelantan Lane.
Laboratory tests are mainly for the STI investigations, which include:

  • Grams Stain Smears for microscopic examination of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Candida and Clue cells.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2) by PCR (Polymerise Chain Reaction) method.
  • RPR and TP antibody for Syphilis.
  • HIV EIA screening test for HIV infection.
  • Hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody.
  • Dark-Ground Microscopy for Treponema pallidium.
  • Type-specific serological testing for Herpes Simplex Virus anti-glycoprotein G antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2 for aiding in the diagnosis of HSV infection.
  • Specimen Collection Service
  • A transport service for collection of specimens for private dermatologists in Singapore is provided by National Skin Centre. Please call 6350 8436 for appointment. Collection of specimens is during office hours between 9.00am to 3.00pm. For centres outside Singapore, specimens should be sent by courier service to the given address. The courier fee will be borne by the sender.

Request Form

Specimens should be accompanied by a request form or a letter, stating the laboratory test that is requested for. A short clinical history will help in the clinicopathological correlation and in the interpretation of test results. The referring clinician and the contact number of the clinician or person to contact should be provided.

Transport Media

  • Specimens for histology should be sent in 10% formalin within 7 days of biopsy.
  • Specimens for direct immunoflurescence studies should be sent in Michel’s holding medium within 7 days of biopsy. The holding medium is provided by NSC laboratory upon request and can be dispatched to the referring clinic or hospital in advance. For centres outside Singapore, a charge on postage will be levied.
  • Blood specimens (5 mls) for indirect immunofluorescence studies can be sent in plain tubes.
  • Specimens or PCR assays can be sent as routinely processed specimens, either formalin-fixed tissue or processed paraffin blocks. Processed paraffin blocks will be returned to the referring centre.


  • A faxed histology report is available, usually within 3 working days of specimen collection. Allowance should be made for cases requiring further sections, special stains or immunohistochemistry.
  • Reports for immunofluorescence are available within a week of specimen collection.
  • All faxed reports will be followed by post.