Pharmacy Services


NSC Pharmacy stocks a wide range of prescription medications and retail products for the treatment of skin conditions. We also accept valid external prescriptions from other local healthcare institutions and private clinics, subject to availability and any prevailing supply restriction of the medication(s).

NSC Pharmacy Operating Hours

Monday to Friday​
​8am - 5.30pm
(Last walk-in registration: 5pm)
​Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays
​Eve of Christmas, New Year, and Chinese New Year
​8am - 12.30pm
(Last walk-in registration: 12pm)

​List of Services We Provide​​​

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Medication Dispensing & Counselling

NSC Pharmacy handles about 14,000 prescriptions a month. With the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), our Pharmacy operates in a paperless environment. Where prescriptions are routed to our pharmacy after consultation.

Our pharmacists can provide the following advice during medication counselling to help you to use your medicines for the best possible outcome for your medical condition:

  • What are your medicines used for
  • Safe, correct and effective way to use your medicines
  • What to do if a dose is missed
  • Management of side effects
  • Precautions to take
  • Potential interaction of your medicines with other medicines or food
  • Correct application of topical medicines
  • Dietary and lifestyle management
  • Storage of medicines

For information on some common dermatological medications, click here.

Minor Ailments & Self-Medication Services

NSC Pharmacy stocks over-the-counter and Pharmacy-only medications (dispensed by a pharmacist without a doctor’s prescription) for the treatment of minor ailments such as fever, pain, cough and cold, itch, gastric problems, diarrhoea, etc.

Our Pharmacists are able to provide advice on how to manage these minor ailments, recommend non-prescription medicines, or refer you to the doctor if necessary.

E​​ZY Pickup / EZY Locker / EZY Deliver Services

Patients may skip the waiting queue at the pharmacy by opting for one of the following medication refill services.

​Type of Medication Refill​​ Service
​EZY Pickup
​EZY Locker
​EZY Deli​ver
​​These services are ​for patients who have:
  • Balance of uncollected medications from past NSC prescriptions issued within 1 year from the prescribed date, AND
  • Taken/used the medications before with NO change in dosing regimen/instructions.
Refrigerated Item
​Mode of Receiving Medications
Collection at NSC Pharmacy @ Counter 13 or 14​Selected POPStations​​
​Doorstep Delivery
Receive Your Medications Within​
​2 - 3 working days^
(8am - 5pm)
4 - 5 working days^
(After 6pm)​
​4 - 5 working days^
(2pm - 6pm)​
Service Fee​#
Normal Delivery
​Not Applicable​
​​(With effect from 1st March 2025, fee will be revised to $6.00)
Re-delivery/ Amendment After Order Confirmation
Additional $9.00
​​(With effect from 1st March 2025, fee will be revised to $11.00)​​
How to Order?
Step 1:
​​​Order via NSC Medication Refill form.​
Step 2:
​Select "I have an existing prescription, to arrange for EZY Pickup Service" and complete the rest of the form.
​Select "I have an existing prescription, to arrange for EZY Locker Service" and complete the rest of the form.
​Select "I have an existing prescription, to arrange for EZY Deliver Service" and complete the rest of the form.
Terms and Conditions*

Medication parcels which are not collected 5 working days^ from the scheduled pickup date will be voided.​
Medication parcels which are not collected
3 calendar days of receiving SMS notification with pin code will be voided.
​Medication parcels cannot be left unattended at doorsteps. Ensure someone is ​​at the delivery address to receive your medications on the scheduled delivery date/ time. 

​^ Working days are defined as weekdays (Mondays to Fridays, excluding Public Holidays).
# Service fees are not covered by Medisave and 3rd party payors (e.g. MCPS, medication assistance funds). All prices are subject to prevailing GST.​
* Please refer to the NSC Medication Refill​ form f​or the full list of Terms and Conditions.

Request for Prescription Repeat / Top-up Prescription

Patients may submit request for prescription repeat or top-up for reasons such as ​postponed appointment, insufficient medications till next appointment, or lost medications.​


​​a) Type of Medication(s)
​b) Medication(s) must be prescribed in NSC with a doctor consult ​within the last
​c) Follow-up
​Medications requiring close monitoring (e.g. oral immunosuppressant, oral antibiotics, biologics)
​6 months
​M​us​t have​​​​
​All other medications
​12 months
​M​us​t have​​​​
You need to:
​​Subm​it request ​via He​althHub
  • Select "Request For Medication Top-Up"
​Upon receipt of your request:
Your request will be screened for eligibility​​​. We may contact you if more information is required.

Your request will then be submitted to your NSC doctor for approval.
  • ​For clinical safety, our doctor will review your request before issuing a repeat prescription.
  • The final prescribed medication(s) and quantity is subject to the doctor's decision and may differ from your request.
You will then be informed if the request has been approved or rejected.

If approved, you may request for EZY Pickup, EZY Locker or EZY Deliver.
​Admin Fee^
(after GST)

​Private Patients
​Subsidized Patients

Expected Processing Time
3​​ w​orking days*
​ ​

# For appointment booking, please email appointment, or call appointment centre at 6350 6666.
^ Admin fee is not co​​vered by Medisave and 3rd party payers (e.g. MCPS, medication assistance funds).
* Working days are defined as weekdays (Mondays to Fridays, excluding Public Holidays).

Quit Smoking Counselling

​Smoking increases the risk of stroke, heart and lung diseases, cancers of the mouth, throat, lungs, stomach and skin. It causes premature wrinkles and sagging skin, greying and loss of hair and slows down wound healing.

Smoking is also associated with worsening of some skin conditions such as psoriasis, genital warts, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and others.

Smokers are encouraged to quit smoking for better health. There is also evidence that smokers with skin conditions achieve better treatment outcome when they quit.

Quit Smoking Counselling Service

In our quit smoking counselling servi​ce, personalised one-to-one counselling will be provided by a pharmacist certified in Quit Smoking counselling. The pharmacist aims to achieve the following:

  • Assess smoker’s level of nicotine addiction, smoking habits and stage of readiness
  • Counsel on quit tips and a personalised quit plan
  • Recommend suitable Nicotine Replacement Therapy if needed
  • Help cope with withdrawal symptoms
  • Support and guidance with relapses

The estimated duration of the first session is about 30 minutes, and subsequent follow-up sessions about 15 minutes.

Appointment for Quit Smoking Counselling

NSC patients may ask your doctor for a referral to our Quit Smoking Counselling Services, or approach any of our pharmacists directly.

Alternatively, please Ask NSC Pharmacist to make an appointment.

Sun Protection Counselling

Sun Protection Counselling is a pharmacist-led service that offers advice on sun avoidance. This will benefit patients with photosensitive skin conditions and those who need to avoid further photo damage.

A typical session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes, and is conducted in a one-to-one setting by a pharmacist. Our pharmacists encourage ideal sun protection habits, and are able to recommend tips for suitable selection and usage of sun protective clothing, apparel and sunscreens.

The objectives of the Sun Protection Counselling Service are:

  • To raise awareness of sun protection
  • To educate patients to adopt long-lasting sun protection habits
  • To educate patients to adhere to the correct use of sunscreens
  • To improve management of skin disease

Selected sun protective apparel is also available in our Pharmacy.

NSC patients who need detailed counselling may ask your doctor for a referral. Non-NSC patients may request for counselling by approaching any of our pharmacists directly at the Pharmacy.

Retail Pharmacy

NSC Retail Pharmacy is located at level 2 of the National Skin Centre and is accessible to both patients and the public. A wide range of skincare products is stocked to serve the needs of patients and the public in managing different types of skin conditions.

NSC Retail Pharmacy also have two online channels (NSC Shopee Official Store and NSC Online Retail Pharmacy​), offering customers the convenience to shop anytime and anywhere.